Speech Therapy
Serving people of all ages and medical diagnoses
Developmental disorders
Neurological disorders
Cerebral palsy
Traumatic brain injury
Adults &
Meeting clients where they communicate
Clinic-based in Annandale, Virginia
Telehealth in Virginia, DC, and California
In-home or community-based in Northern Virginia limited availability
Clinic, Telehealth, & In-Home
Providing clinical speech evaluation & therapy
Assistive Technology
Speech articulation
Language disorder
Social communication
Speech Therapy
​Making meal time
more enjoyable
SOS feeding approach​
Oral motors difficulties
Sensory-behavioral difficulties
TalkTools feeding approach
Oral placement therapy
Pediatric Feeding Therapy Services
At Get Talking Therapy, we are skilled providers for many different types of speech-language and feeding disorders.
We thrive on blending evidence-based practice with unconventional thinking to provide highly individualized, whole-person speech therapy services starting with a comprehensive evaluation and personalized plan of care. For people who are non-verbal or partially-verbal, we will work to develop treatment plans using assistive technology and traditional speech therapy techniques to promote independent communication.
Speech therapy sessions at Get Talking are very collaborative - family/team members are encouraged to participate to provide insights and promote carryover of learned skills. We emphasize a coaching model with lots of real-world practice, because we know communication happens all day, every day.
The following specialty services are available:
Initial evaluations & ongoing therapy
Funding submissions for acquiring AAC communication devices and Assistive Technology aids
Comprehensive, individualized speech therapy​
AAC-based language and literacy skill development​​​
Comprehensive Literacy for All
Meaningful Speech/Gestalt Language Processing for AAC users
Family strategy training​ for language development
Hanen More Than Words and It Takes Two To Talk certified
​Per state licensure, clinical speech therapy services are available in Virginia, Washington DC, and California. ​​