Speech Therapy
Serving people of all ages and medical diagnoses
Developmental disorders
Neurological disorders
Cerebral palsy
Traumatic brain injury
Adults &
Meeting clients where they communicate
Clinic-based in Annandale, Virginia
Telehealth in Virginia, DC, and California
In-home or community-based in Northern Virginia limited availability
Clinic, Telehealth, & In-Home
Providing clinical speech evaluation & therapy
Assistive Technology
Speech articulation
Language disorder
Social communication
Speech Therapy
Making meal time
more enjoyable
SOS feeding approach
Oral motors difficulties
Sensory-behavioral difficulties
TalkTools feeding approach
Oral placement therapy
Pediatric Feeding Therapy Services
At Get Talking Therapy, we are skilled providers for many different types of speech-language and feeding disorders.
We thrive on blending evidence-based practice with unconventional thinking to provide highly individualized, whole-person speech therapy services starting with a comprehensive evaluation and personalized plan of care. For people who are non-verbal or partially-verbal, we will work to develop treatment plans using assistive technology and traditional speech therapy techniques to promote independent communication.
Speech therapy sessions at Get Talking are very collaborative - family/team members are encouraged to participate to provide insights and promote carryover of learned skills. We emphasize a coaching model with lots of real-world practice, because we know communication happens all day, every day.
The following specialty services are available:
Initial evaluations & ongoing therapy
Funding submissions for acquiring AAC communication devices and Assistive Technology aids
Comprehensive, individualized speech therapy
AAC-based language and literacy skill development
Comprehensive Literacy for All
Meaningful Speech/Gestalt Language Processing for AAC users
Family strategy training for language development
Hanen More Than Words and It Takes Two To Talk certified
Per state licensure, clinical speech therapy services are available in Virginia, Washington DC, and California.